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Anjukan Kathirgamanathan is a Senior Data Scientist and Optimisation expert at GridBeyond helping build software to enable the transition to a smart and renewable power grid globally. Anjukan has completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Business and Management at Queen's University Belfast and in addition a PhD at the Energy Institute of University College Dublin. His research looked at the use of data-driven predictive control in buildings, thereby harnessing energy flexibility to allow increasing renewable energy penetration in the future smart electricity grid.

Anjukan completed his BE(Hons) at the University of Auckland, New Zealand specialising in Mechanical Engineering. He is a WEF Global Shaper, the former president of the UCD ASHRAE Student Chapter, a leadership network member of the Asia New Zealand Foundation and a Rotary Young Leaders Award recipient. In his spare time, he loves to play touch rugby, read Terry Pratchett or social pyschology books or spend time doing anything active outdoors



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